
Corporate Governance & Capital transaction

Including M&A Deal Experience

Over the years, we have been fortunate to attract some of the most talented professionals in our industry. Our people are the most valuable asset – they are skilled problem solvers that believe challenges can be opportunities. The extensive experience, talent, and accomplishments of the Lee&More team give us a base of intellectual capital that is second to none.

Terry Lee


MBA HULT IBS Yonsei Univ. Law LLM Boston Univ. School Law Head of Yuhwa IB team Leading Investment & Securities, Director of IB Division Max Venture Capital, CIO & President Read more

Mike Moon


Department of Law, Hanyang Univ. Samsung Life Insurance

Shine Park


Business School, Kunkook Univ. Max Venture Capital, CIO Head of Yuhwa IB team leader

James Heo

Managing Director

Kyung Hee Univ. Deputy Director of ING Life Insurance IFC Insurance Branch Manager

Donald Jung

Managing Director

Department of Economics, Incheon National Univ. Lotte Group / Lotte Food Strategic Manager

Phillip Lee


Weve Partners Haemil Bio Inc.

Calvin Kim


Department of Economics, Dongguk Univ. Planning Dept., Heungguk Fire&Marine Insurance. KMW(KOSDAQ) IR HEAD.

Inni Kim


Korea National University of Transportation.

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